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August 28th Agenda

Statement of Objective: To begin practice of daily grammar skills and outline in detail expectations of Writing Portfolio; also, to begin review of importance of religion in society.

Essential Question: What does a society need to survive? To thrive? What is religion's role in a society?

Grammar Sentence: i must respect the opinions of others even if i disagree with them (by Herbert Henry Lehman)

-Begin daily grammar assignment. Monday: identify parts of speech. Review as a class
-Review: What are the continents of the world?
-Discuss: What does a society need to survive? To thrive? (Write answers on worksheet)
-Theorize about world wealth and population
-Go over correct world wealth and population
-100 Earth Village Project: divide class into a percentage of "world" students and then divide wealth (free homework passes)
-Discuss 100 Earth Village Project
-Complete essay question on worksheet
-Organize binders: label tab dividers and put grammar sheet into notebook
-Review Writing Portfolio Expectations