March 23 Agenda
- Complete reading "In a Grove"
- Complete work on "In a Grove"
- Define colonialism and discuss social impacts of colonialism
- Describe novel choices and select novels
- Chinese Cinderella
- Things Fall Apart
- Nectar in a Seive
- Discuss assignment:
- Essay choices:
- 1st: Colonialism and its effects on a society
- 2nd: Prove whether the work is feminist or anti-feminist
- First task:
- Take notes on colonialism AND on feminism
- Look for quotes to support EITHER of these two topics
- Second task:
- Answer discussion questions periodically with groups of same novel
- Third task:
- 2-3 page essay on chosen topic
- Define Noh drama
- Read pages 596-597 of Blue Book
- Prepare students for reading of "Atsumori" tomorrow in class