Feb. 22 Agenda
- No Short Essay: Instead, work on completing the worksheets on Greek beliefs.
- Go over important definitions and places from reading:
- Oracles and Prophecies
- Delphi
- Dionysus
- Fate
- Funeral rites
- City Dionysia
- Theater construction
- Theater players
- Input: Theory of Tragedy
- Developed by Aristotle
- Formula for Tragedy/good tragedy characteristics
- Tragic Flaw
- Hubris = Pride
- Input: Oedipus Rex
- Written by Sophocles
- Story of Oedipus Rex
- Input: Themes of Greek Plays
- Go over themes of Greek plays / Oedipus Rex:
- Fate vs. Freewill
- Abuse of power
- Nature of innocence and guilt
- Quest for Identity
- Nature of moral responsibility
Work Due: Greek Intro worksheet (if not done sooner)
Reading due: Greek Intro packet, notes on info on board